What is Acupuncture?
What is acupuncture? Traditional acupuncture uses very fine needles which are inserted into particular points around the body. In traditional terms this is usually to help bring balance to the system through their affect on meridian lines. In medical acupuncture treatment is used mainly for pain and in particular nerve-related symptoms. It is often described as dry needling amongst healthcare professionals.
How does acupuncture work?
There may be an imbalance in a particular system therefore by needling points along a specific meridian the therapist aims to restore balance through stimulation or letting out of energy.
However medically it is likely to be desensitising or sensitising the nervous system, hence why there can be a dramatic change in pain levels post-treatment. So does acupuncture work? Well for many patients they do report dramatic benefits with the resolution of pain and increased function.
What is acupuncture used for?
The following details the different uses of acupuncture:
Acupuncture for migraines
- Migraines are in the main a vascular phenomenon however there components that have a neurological component which may respond well to treatment. Muscular tension in the neck and shoulder that is associated with migraines can also be helped.
Acupuncture for Headaches
- Other forms of headaches including tension-type and cervicogenic can benefit from treatment. However, a thorough examination by a qualified physiotherapist is usually essential in helping to decide the best course of treatment for each classification of headache.
Musculoskeletal pain
- Acupuncture for tennis elbow or tendon problems can be helpful especially for the more chronic related conditions. Although back, neck and limb pains, in particular, can be helped with dry needling with spinal symptoms being one of the most frequent areas for treatment. Often acupuncture for sciatica is used to help try and desensitise the nerve.
Acupuncture for stress
- Acupuncture for anxiety and depression is an expanding area of management for acupuncturists. As a result, a person might experience increase tension within the body along with aches and pain which can all be released with treatment. Regularly ear acupuncture or auricular acupuncture is frequently treated to affect mood.
- Other forms of treatment include cosmetic acupuncture, however, the results of such needling are difficult to predict.
Benefits of Acupuncture
Acupuncture benefits could be considered vast due to the variety of conditions that can be treated as detailed above:
- lowering pain
- reducing stress
- treatment of headaches
- increasing energy levels
- improving mood
- improving sleep quality
How much does Acupuncture cost?
Treatment is usually combined with other treatments within a physiotherapy session to help get the best possible results. To find out the cost please contact us on the details listed below.
Acupuncture at Kensington Physio
We are able to offer both traditional and western style (dry needling/trigger point) needling at all of our clinics.
It is often included as an adjunct to the physiotherapist’s treatment session. Not all of our therapists practice Dry Needling/Acupuncture. So, if it is something you specifically require, it is best to contact the clinic on 02076030040 or info@kenphysio.com prior to your appointment.
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