Weak Glutes

Have you ever been told you have ‘weak glutes’? Well, may of us have, and this can cause you all sort of difficulties and chain reactions.

Your bottoms muscles act as a huge stabiliser of the hip and lower back. Weakness or lack of endurance in our glutes can cause rolling in of the hip, affect your walking or running and give rise to biomechanical issues at the knee and ankle.

Here is a link to a simple article on the role of the gluteal muscles and the problems associated with weakness.

Weak Gluteus Medius Muscles and a Chain Reaction.

The great news is, like ant other muscle, your glutes can be strengthened for power and endurance. Here at Ken Physio, one of our expert team will assess you and decide which exercises would be most beneficial to target your issue.

Call us to book in with one of our team on 0207 6030040.

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