What are the Risk Factors for Plantar Fasciitis?

Plantar Faciitis

Plantar fasciopathy (or plantar fasciitis) is defined as heel pain during rest, exercise or on palpation, with a duration of greater than 1 month and provoked by the first few steps in the morning or after a period of rest.


Commonly it is believed that the plantar fascia is irritated by excessive pronation (flattening of the foot arch) with walking and running. However this doesn’t seem to be supported by the research. In fact one study found a high arch was linked to fasciopathy or heel pain.

There does appear to be some link between a high body mass index and heel pain in older populations, but not for young active individuals.  Tightness in the hamstrings may also be linked but interestingly muscle strength, power and length or ankle range of motion seem not to be on there own. However all these factors together may do! Your physio will be able to decide what treatment would be most appropriate for you following a thorough assessment.


The good news is general exercise has been found to be beneficial if progressed in the appropriate way. It is therefore important to complete an assessment under the care of your therapist and he can then devise a rehabilitation program to get you better.

Please contact us here at Kensington Physio & Sports Medicine to find out more.

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